Boarding Services

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Call or text : 206-930-0811
Boarding Services
At Precious Companions your precious fur babies will be cared for with love. They have a good time as they spend there days playing in one of my large play yards. Inside for the night in their own heated private room
All of my guests must be current on all vaccines and be on flea control . Please bring their food, and familiar smelling bedding. It’s so nice when they go back into their rooms at night to smell home.
1 guest under 30 pounds $35.00
1 guest over 30 pounds $40.00
$5.00 discount for second guest if sharing the same room.
Your Precious companion will spend their days hanging out in one of my seven yards. Occasionally getting to see a deer or other wildlife in the woods next door.
Your Precious Companion will have their own private room with solid walls. Creating a comfy secure den.
Each room has a private outside small run. This fits great for very small or older dogs. Through out the day they can go in and out at their lesure.
Great way to separate siblings that don’t share food. Also for those who choose to not be in a play yard and prefer to spend inside time and want to run out occasionally.
For large breeds, I have a suit with a human door extra room and cozy couch.
Call or text : 206-930-0811